SEO Concepts That Could Snowball Your Traffic
The premier way to improve your website’s search engine ranking is through search engine optimisation (SEO). Learn these two concepts and apply them if you feel appropriate for your situation.
301 Redirect
Sometimes you might want to change your domain name. Perhaps the old domain name does not reflect the value proposition of your business anymore. Possibly the name is puerile and reflects poorly on your brand. Conceivably you believe that you have found a better domain name. You want to buy it and start using it before someone else does. Whatever the reason is, it is not uncommon for website owners to change their domain names. That being said, no one wants to lose all the traffic they have spent months or even years acquiring. This is where a 301 redirect comes in. If you apply a 301 redirect to the old page, it will make your old address point to your new address. So even if visitors bookmarked your old page, they would be seamlessly redirected to your new page once you apply a 301 redirect.
Long Tail Keyword
If you aspire to discover your website through organic searches, then your site needs to be optimised for specific keywords. This means that if someone types in a word or phrase, then your website will show up high in the search engine rankings. However, ranking for simple terms like “food” or “music” is extremely difficult, especially initially. Long-tail keywords are somewhat easier to rank for, such as “Asian food in Sydney”. SEO is a marathon, not a sprint, so start small at first. Also, remember that long-tail keywords may bring fewer results, but the people who search these terms are more qualified, meaning they are more likely to be enthralled by your website than someone who just made a generic query.
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